A marble statue of 3 headed Brahma discovered on the footsteps of the old friday mosque in Ghazni, Afghanistan

A marble statue of 3 headed Brahma discovered on the footsteps of the old Friday mosque in Ghazni, Afghanistan. The face of Brahma is damaged by the constant walking over of Islamic devotees on the image.It was put on footsteps of Arsul Falaq mosque. This image was looted from a temple in Ajmer, India.The gold stolen from Somnath temple was melted to construct this mosque.

This image was discovered recently but Islamic chronicles have long recorded that Hindu idols were put on footsteps of mosque to be trod. Other Hindu idols and materials looted from temples were used by Mahmud Ghazni to construct the footsteps of this mosque.

Source: Marble Brahma ghazni dupree https://books.google.co.in/books?id=zGGfCgAAQBAJ...
Source-2: Hindus and Human Rights

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